It certainly doesn't feels like the weekend, its another day any day someday WTF day again, I am missing my build up to the weekend, perusing around the shops seeking out some must have stuff, and the thought of later maybe meeting with friends or family. This lock down is like a saga, ups and downs, high's and low's. Yesterday was cold today is dull even putting the lippy on is not doing it for me at all.
Never been one to have a duvet day but feeling more and more like bag of crisps any kind of chocolate and sofa day.
Viv wasn't feeling it either today two good days and now a bit of chemo catching up day, so no joint safe distancing bingo special later. Tomorrow maybe better and if it is commence the project of the NHS scarecrow display.
Just been asked if anyone has knitting needles, and if they can knit, I can but no patterns or fancy stuff just scarf like things that if my memory serves me well, tuned out a bit wonky and holes in don't think I will be volunteering for that project. Think I will just start batch cooking different kind of meals for a change; and for my distraction techniques..
The night came and went, no big Bingo win, marking two cards is a challenge but had Steve's help, and tried myself a couple of cans of Ros'e, as everyone was asked to share a picture of the Sat tipple, quite nice for a summer drink, not a lover off beer, I like drinks, of Rioja, Chianti, Presecco, or GIN of any kind.
Not sure what is on the menu today! maybe continue with my Mountaineering course and Abseiling, which I enrolled earlier on in lock down, I am now at advanced stage, you know the one climbing the walls and abseiling out the bedroom window, but I think now I could improve my CV with the experience I have gained, could be a future change of career.
Lock down is here now for at least another few weeks and maybe more, do so want it to be at an end soon, its going to be tough when it is, some Bistro's business's or people will not survive, if the Virus don't get them mental health problems related to all of this will be immense. Hopefully some good will raise it's head, and as humans we will be more tolerant, caring, and appreciate other peoples company, through friendships old and new, and the fact they have cared and showed their true colours. Some may have tucked their caring side away, not purposely, like a crumpled old flag, but they are now flying high and proud and joining the wer'e in it together that's our Watsapp group round here , others just pulled the curtains too, and put two fingers up to the rest of us that were and probably struggling. Well my take on that is we are here to stay, and grow even more compassionate than before.
Having a roast dinner today hopefully Yorkshire puddings will appear as well, I think I mentioned in a previous post how I am missing the Sunday roast, Viv,Steve and myself have gathered at one and others houses for this tradition for the past year, and Steve at my house for years, and like Viv we miss it, it's nice to share food and a meal to chat, I think the continentals have the best approach to mingling, and that's cooking eating and sitting down for hours talking whilst sharing a meal.
I love when my son and his friends throw a mingling party, be it a BBq or celebration party or just the fact its a day and night to get together. They are so different from our gatherings, we tend to stick to the familiar folk we know in our little groups( not my style) by the way , but they all just get in there and it. There is no age barrier either, everyone is a potential story to be heard so chatting to strangers is delightful and an opportunity to get to know also as my son will tell them....Don't give them you're address they rock up, hence trips arranged to BARI in Italy, Switzerland, and Naples.
The parties always involves a good dose of Salsa music no chart topping stuff just good dancing stuff, I take great pride to tell all my son gets his dancing moves he learnt from me, as I from my mum who also loved to dance. And one time the HAKA was performed there which was to celebrate one of the friends gaining her doctorate, it was quite moving the actual thought that went into this to make it special, with the help of the Kiwi friend as the tutor.( Yes we got that address too).
Visitor today Marie, safe distancing cuppa tea catch up which is so nice and makes a break hearing another voice sitting one end of garden wrapped up from wind. Marie is a long friend and neighbor no she isn't tall.ha ha, and is a colleague HCSW at the same hospital as I work. We moved in to our newly built homes over 40 years ago and have watched our children grow from babies to adults, and between the lot they have made real good people, and didn't get into trouble ( not that we knew) apart from Nik's love of fire we thought he might become a fire fighter, as he did used to start a few camp fires . Beach picture
We had quite a few great holidays all together in the Dales and Cornwall. Derbyshire was walking and drinking in old pubs, Cornwall was about surfing, and by the way yes I could and did fit in a wet suit. The holidays were fun and lasted around a good 20 Years seems a life time away. The kids loved it and so did the grown ups, congregating in Pete and Viv's awning as his was the largest, we would surf at Lusty glades, or Watergate bay, and on the last evening of the holiday, join the seasonal surfers from all over the globe and build the biggest bonfire it was magical as there were maybe 5 families all together. It was handy also having the family living in St.Ives as later the Kids will still visit, they say they were the holidays they remember the most. Nights again at the the camp sites were a regular thing of BBq the mackerel that had been caught that day fishing, with music and laughter in abundance lovely memories.
Not a lot happened Sunday, apart from my lovely roast dinner thank you Steve, somehow got lost in the any day syndrome. My mobile phone contract runs out next month and trying to do a savvy deal over the phone was long and drawn out for maybe over an hour.
After an exhausting sorted deal, they needed my NHS code to get the deal put through DAMN need to get a new one, so all was not achieved but they have saved all info so should be ok to do late BUM. So will resume a fresh Blogg later's
Good blogging buddie X