Monday 31 August 2020

Knock Knock Who's There It's The Door Men.

Monday is here and another day, looking forward to yet another week, where are the weeks rushing off to, slow down lets just take a breather from our lock down freedom, its only eased a little be it mixing a little more but I will take what ever is on offer.

Monday's Eat out to help out, went to the Navigation with Steve, had a reduced meal menu, not the usual fayre but nice, and just to be out and being next to the river, would have eaten outside but wasn't sure if the evening would be cool, or rain so opted for inside.

Andrew who's pub it is came over for a quick chat asking how everyone is. then went on his merry way I suspect to get back home.The Charnwood mental health team, had our Christmas dinner there and all were really impressed, so hopefully a repeat this year if all is ok in the grand scheme of Cov19. and to be fair they are a hard bunch to please, so glad it did go well. Its always left to me usually to sort the functions out, but secretly enjoy it...ShhhhhI  

 Home to Andrew is the house where my son and a few others have shared for years Its where the best BBQ's are held their parties,  always feel engulfed in the fun chat and friendliness, pity more people have never grasped the wonderful feeling of sharing friends, oh yeah back on the mingling theme, but I am a great advocate of it and possibly I would not had the support I've had and needed over the years with out this incurable habit. TRY IT .........Step out into the world of human race and spread yourself.

On Claires visit a lovely bunch of sunflowers she kindly bought for me

WE started to plan a little and sort travel stuff out to airport and when we arrive at Alicante.

 Hope Claire embraces the meetup groups there, it will be a little bit scary but what do people have to loose if making changes to their life's, only experiences that can become memories, and memories are better than having not tried. So well done to Claire, and I will get her on local buses while I am there, as  buses are a great sauce of gaining local info when you get chatting and find out stuff like where to eat or go.

Started doing my visits at home for the first time yesterday, still waiting for my uniform which has been ordered for 2 months surprise there, stuff to protect me. my protective gear I think will be a hindrance as mental health is something although getting better talking, believe me it still carries a lot of stigma.

Oh well another eat out on Tuesday  was a very disappointing experience.

NANDO's shall I go on, you can't book a table you check in with phone app and join a virtual queue. Well total poppy cock. We had an 1 and 3/4 hr wait luckily we were sheltering near the cinema canopy but what a pa larva, will not be going there again. warm food, ordering apps that don't work, then not excepting cash so you are stumped up if A app don't work, B you only have cash. Luckily we had card but stress at a tinpot foody place does not compute with me. End of Rant

Out time in Nando's was ok but the company was good and made up for the food. I was with my friend  the crazy Irish woman with an adorable lilt, that can tell you stories about the abuse that went on in the so called safe places run by nuns, and her escape to England only to live in the rough places in Glasgow, next to a brothel, and a rat infested places, she was seventeen, became pregnant and became a wife, hey ho over to England now and so glad she did make the crossing and became my friend.

Then there was Rekha, who has found a new self and is beginning to find a new strength of standing up for herself, she has been on some lovely return trips back to her native land, but last time decided its not a return to family its a return to do what the hell she wants to do like a proper holiday so good on you and your job being in charge.

Being surrounded by like minded and strong women you become  one, I do hope I am one to them......and not leaving the males out I also have strong men friends, who I know I'm not as strong in muscle as them, but I know they  have  fears and of being or feeling vulnerable at times in their own way and sharing it with me while in my company, so feel very privileged to have that kind connections with them.

On our way back to the car did notice an advert in a pub window, this pub has had its name changed more times than Katy Price's husbands. It became a real rough place full of drongo's, but had a make over and looks really nice so may have to check it out when in town when we go out, and it looks like they are making the effort to draw peeps in at the Bank Holiday. And its back to its original name Rose and Crown.

Today is Thursday, and my new doors arrived with Dave, Heidi's friend and his mate. My Front door has been in bad repair for years. In its day was very Vogue to have a good wooden door, mine was real Mahogany, but alas over the years it had took the toll of neglect. We had it fitted over 35 years ago, as our porch was all glass with the children , I was always afraid when my children  were tiny they would go hurtling through the glass, so on one early holiday to Spain, a friend who was a bricky that's what we say in our parts for builder, Jack built a new porch fitted the door, and Dave the plumber installed central heating, which in those days was an extra not standard as today. Anyway today is the day and they are busy at it.

The boys are working well on fitting the doors, giving cups of tea is always a winner. The porch is looking bright now so different from the dark gloom, but is so in need of attention.....another job to sort but I will paint it and and maybe put some new floor covering down. It was used for storing Mels oxygen tanks all 5 big ones and 2 oxygen electric machines, they're  long gone now and has made me feel a bit tearful...silly me, its like removing the last bits of necessities regarding Mel have all gone now,only steps and walking stick left, how sad.

The steps that were fitted for him are still there, some times I would find him sprawled out on in his struggle to walk he had fallen many times loosing his balance,  they are reverently remaining, I call them the Spanish steps. I sometime recall how strong in mind body and soul he was, and how he was not afraid of anything or anyone, and was a friend to everyone. Oh what mental health can reduce you too and I had to stand by and watch this man disintegrate, to a shadow of his self, it was hard folks and at sometimes sheer hell to live with.

Got to train my fur babies to use the cat flap, which Dave is fitting as I type, that should be fun...or not. The nice Dave is fitting it for me whilst telling me about his trip to Scotland. He is a biker a real dude, When organising my friends wedding reception, food and preparation, all her male biker friends helped, and it was a true biker wedding, I got to meet them all. Fun roucus  and absolutely greatday and wedding, I have never seen so many big burly blokes and bikes in my life.

  I have a friend coming in to feed the cats  whilst I am away, funny I have really grown so fond of them, they greet me in the morning, Jesse never leaves me alone if I am sitting always meowing till I talk to him. but sometimes if not been out or been at home he and Woody are my only conversation objects I have and would not be without now.

Friday is my daughters birthday, unfortunately she is camping somewhere in the lakes, just spoken to her and its definitely not camping weather, hope it clears up for them, it will be wellies all the way bless. 

Saturday came and went, didn't do much at all, did a few errands like sorting Euro's, and also buying Visors for Claire and me maybe to wear on the plane if possible, better than mask will see anyway.

Steve came round later on Saturday, for Chinese take away, and kindly invited me around for Sunday dinner or super if posh. So will finish now just get my shoes on and nip round.

Have a nice Bank Holiday Monday folks. 

Monday 24 August 2020

Expectations on people, life and the future, I need a new manual


Not an avid blogger or a prolific one, sometimes if there is nothing to write about then its fine for me, no pressure to put on myself, life can do that for us all by its own means in different way's.

Have  been going along in my own little world, being me or perhaps at times didn't want to be me. We have all had those times haven't we well some of us have and  just keep ambling along.

 Had a funny week this week, certainly ups and downs, and for some reason letting the Im ok mask slip, I suppose I am in full sail as a ship flows when helping and feeling needed, is that selfish of me or sad I don't really know.

I had a Claire stay this weekend, she commented that I hadn't shown a lot of emotion in my last blog, think she is right, it was all about the same O same O, all about walking sometimes  not a lot about anything just a blog, don't mind the critique coming from someone that is so honest and open, who shares most things most of the time its really very refreshing to know someone like that.

And I have a new go too saying, not mine exactly only seen it or heard it but I like it........if you are brave own it,... if you are doubting your self, own it,,,,,,if you an asshole own that too and take it on the chin always.

I really think if I did show emotions the flood gates would be opened to a deluge of un burdening crap. Crap I have made all by my self and crap that others have bestowed on me. But you know you have to own it and smooth over it to make others feel good about themselves.

Any way back to whatever ........went out to Nottingham on Monday with my lovely friend Sylvia, it was nice to go for a change, masks on our chops and away we went on the bus. First time I had been on a bus since the beginning of the year, think that was to Leicester to my Cancer check up.

When we used to go for appointments during and after treatments we would go poorly shopping, I would treat myself to things to cheer the day up and make it a happy day. Sylvia would laugh as every time I would say another poorly present is deserved.

There was a Caribbean funny shop with a large West Indian Lady I would go to try on more hats to wear on my bald head, she would grab me and wiggle all these hats on my head Sylvia would be peeing her self. I didn't even want the hats it was just the fun this lady created for me. I wonder if her little business has survived. Oh I did buy her hats and never wore them, Still have some gave Viv some though when she lost her hair.

 Whilst in Nottingham we had a gorgeous meal at a restaurant that was Caluchos, its called Ecsulent, it was divine, would definitely recommend it to anyone. We had a lovely day it was nice to steal a few hours away some where we hadn't been in a long time.

Bought more masks, I have every colour even glam ones with diamonds, thanks to Natasha..... Vern also kindly dropped me some perspex shielding masks off to me will look like a space man lol but at least I can breathe.

Back at work Tuesday and do enjoy it and my work friends, not sure what I would be like without this outlet, I don't think I save my patients as much as they save me.

Then went out for a meal deal later in the week on Wednesday, think it was more of a consolation meal out, but hey ho thats ok we went to the Greyhound it was ok but not sure I would go again.

Suppose to be going for a meal Monday but not sure if I can make it now, got my wires crossed silly me.

It happens don't it folks we all do it, note to oneself. don't do it again.

Claire arrived Friday, we went out with Phil for his birthday a few of us and it was nice to be out feeling a bit like old time but not all could make it,  I will use Claire's  photo's didn't take any myself  so all will be hers that she took or another friends. Think she should have been a photographer impromptu ones she is good at. Not sure captures your soul or maybe she does, You see this blogging don't come natural to me, so never prepared for that quick snap with the camera. Hence the female ( David Baily) Claire, well done Claire you do capture everything and everyone at their best it must be a knack you own it girl.


   Saturday came, and we had a quick walk around the park not big but pretty  and then down into town then down by the canal, We doubled back as the Boat inn pub wasn't open and Claire liked it there, so walked further on toward the Sea Cadets base was nice walking that way. Unfortunately the bowl of chips we all fancied was not on the menu, as the relief landlord was not doing any meals, wonder what happened to the last one..?????? Cov19 casualty maybe.

 We then doubled back to the Boat inn, had a beer there and then carried on to the Ring O Bells, had a few there, then a long to Maxwells, seems a lot of pit stops were made on Saturday.

Maxwells was busy but managed to get a table then a few really good friends of mine joined us. These friends especially Vern, is a big softie, he see's right through me and I him. This session went on for some time, so this morning a little fragile to say the least.

Cooked Claire scrambled egg with smoked salmon before she left for Melton to see Phil and his mum and loaded her up with the wheelchair  and off she went. Well another short blog and that its folks. 


Wednesday 19 August 2020

Eat out to Help Out......MMMMMMM

Yes Eat Out To Help Out, as if any of us needed a nudge to do this favour,. All this week I have seen places full and brimming over taking advantage of the meal deal.

Steve and I took a stroll out on Tuesday into town to the Griffen Pub, it was half price it was ok but, yeah ok only. I think a few are reducing their menu's to keep it manageable.

It really was a very humid and hot evening but was nice to get out. People seem to be taking to this bit of a steal to their week, I think places should carry it on after, as we all know that what ever you are cooking, you can knock up Cordon bleu, or a nice homely meal or fancy snack for pence, its the drinks that rock up the price. It was nice to finish in the back garden with a nice Gin with frozen strawberries.

So yes meal deals keep it up all year round, its a win win situation, for everyone from a chip buttie to Beef Wellington people will come.

This week has been glorious again do love the hot weather and not about to moan, but a few degrees less would be even nicer,

Work was ok again and routine is what I need now, no matter what. Have enquired about my pending sun break in Garrucha Spain with Claire, its a place next to a pretty place called Mojacar Pueblo, which is a little village up a high hill all white washed and very chique in places. It seems if I go to a place where isolating for two weeks after I have to take as holiday......seems stupid as I have worked from home for 5 months, oh well.

I am tending to store up programs on the tele to watch, do love Corri so tend to watch a couple at a time. The Chateaux has a new serial make do and mend I think its called, can get lost in thoughts of dreaming to do something like that, never will but escapism is one of my best achievements, in my head that is.

I took myself off to town on Monday to take some stuff back to Tylers, this not trying things on is a pain, anyway it was really hot in town and my feet were burning, stupidly wore shoes and this was a bad idea, the leopard shoes certainly felt like hot paws. When I got back it was such a relief to soak my feet and flip flops and a cuppa.

Walking through the town was surprisingly quiet not a lot of folks around, the town has changed so much from years ago, its known now as a University town which it seems to have lost its own identity.

It has gone from a vibrant market town to a poor version of a University town which is now the biggest employer, industries long gone, as the shops have, young people shop on line, but I like the feel the touching the browsing for the right thing that you just have to have. Its an age thing.........

Sylvia has been up in Hebdon Bridge up North to look after her grand children, Sarah her daughter in law is a country vet, and Simon a Financial adviser, so she helps out when they are working, I so envy her or anyone with grand babies, this has escaped me and see no evidence of it happening. I think I have said before would be a nightmare, doing all the things grannies do.

I usually sort things out for her grand children to play with, old jewellery and perfume bottles to play shops with, I also save them for Ellen my friends grand children too. Oh to have innocence of a child again.

Paula my neighbour poor girl has been in hospital with Gaul bladder problems, she has been in terrific pain and to top it has had the op cancelled a few times, I think it has gone ahead now, since lockdown the Cul De Sac has become closer and caring so good wishes and offers of support has been in abundance. Well done neighbours.

Claire has had confirmation of our recki  to check out the apartment that she has rented for a few months in Garrucha, hope it goes well for her, it was a bit worrying as she had no contact really since the payment.

Had a nice evening on Thursday, cooked an all Spanish meal Patas Bravas, and homemade meat balls with choritzo in paprika sauce and rice, even though say it myself was yummy. The boys seem to like it too, that is Vern and Steve. 

We had a good old banter and chat the wine beer and gin flowed, Vern and Steve have always got on well together, ever since Mel introduced them. My first encounter with Vern was a Christmas Eve, he was well quite under the influence. He spun me around tipped me back like a Clarke Gable movie and gave me the biggest snog ever, We became firm friends him and his wife after that, sadly they have just broken up after 25 years, never would have guessed that would happen. 

He  left about 12 ish  booted Steve out about 2 in the morning, falling asleep as usual lol. But didn't mind as when you have had a good night with lovely company, its nice to know your home feels comfortable to be able to snooze.

 Saturday going into town tonight, my son Nik and his friends are going to the White Hart there is a gig on tonight the Lady Rose, I had seen he was going so tagged on, I like it there, hopefully we will go for Phils birthday this coming Friday.

 Steve had said he would like to go but thought I would get myself ready to go just in case his plans changed. Anyway, he did come. Feeling a bit rough from beer the night before so was a little lethargic on the onset but soon livened up with yet another bunch of lovely people

I enjoy being in the company of Niks friends, they are from all over europe, and its so nice that age is not a barrier, that conversation is the main ingredient. It always flows and Steve had never really met them before so I think he also had a cool evening outside, enjoying the night.

The weather did slightly change and drizzle followed luckily at the end of the gig so out of the garden, inside we then went. I think now the booking of tables is a good idea and really ought to continue save you scrabbling for seats. 

Sunday and its been raining on and off all day, we can't complain as we have had a glorious summer, shame its been in such awful times. I can't remember a summer as good as this one, I am a cynic when it comes to weather, I don't call a few hot days and odd week a summer. But boy the weather saved our sanity well it did mine how about yours peeps?........

Nights are drawing in not sure how that is going to affect me don't want to think about it really its too daunting for me. Curtains or blinds in my house closed at 5pm, hopefully my friend Marion in Turkey may stay a little longer when she comes over. Unfortunately she fractured her knee in a fall, so I will delay my stay till October and maybe she will be able to return with me, Fingers crossed and it wont seem so dull.

Monday off to Nottingham with Sylvia now she is back, that will be a nice change, not been there in such a long time will be interesting for sure. See you soon. 

The only lock I need in my life.

As my picture depicts to many locks are around now, the shackles are on us all, so life again revolves around how we are going to cope. I se...